One section that I thought was interesting in Epstein’s text was the section about raising objections. By raising an objection you are basically creating a new argument within an argument. I am the type of person that has to see it to believe it so I am constantly raising objections and counter arguing most things people say. When people raise objections they are following a pattern without even knowing it. The pattern usually starts with an argument then has a counter argument and then a counter-counter argument. This is how people reason with each other every day. It is very helpful when presenting an argument to think of way to counter it. When you do this it prepares you for any other counter arguments someone might come up with. This is a sure way to make our argument stronger and more effective. After reading this section I am more prepared to make an argument with people and have better ways to counter their counter argument.
I like the observation that you have made. The whole argument within an argument about raising an objection really makes sense. As you said, people reason with each other like this each and every day. It is important that one knows how to address an argument and confidently state his or her position a topic. As you said, you have to prepare for counter arguments for arguments that you have just made. If we always train ourselves to think of counter arguments, I feel that it would really help people think on their toes and be more effective communicators. All in all great post!