Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Compound Claims

A compound claim links two or more claims together. Whether or not the compound claim is true depends on the truth value of the claims represented in it. Although though there may be two claims present we must view it as just one in a compound claim. Some examples:
·         Michelle promised to do or homework or stay home this weekend.
·         Alex wanted to watch the Cowboys game at home or downtown at the bars.
Compound claims are false when the contradictory of a claim is one that has the opposite truth value in all possible circumstances. For instance if Michelle promised to do homework or stay home this weekend is the compound claim then Michelle did not promise to do homework and will not stay home this weekend in the contradictory. For the second example of where Alex would watch the game the contradictory would be that Alex did not want to watch the game at home nor downtown at the bars.

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