The Mission Critical website is actually very helpful and I wish I had discovered it earlier. This website offers very good explanations and examples for so many things from how to form an argument to the analysis of one. This website is a very good tool that helped increase my knowledge on the different types of reasoning by providing good examples that were easy to understand. Sometimes when working with the Epstein book I have to go back and read the example three times before I can grasp the concept. If I fail to grasp the ideas they are trying to portray doing the exercises is not very helpful because it is unable to explain where I made my mistake. In this website almost all sections have exercises that will give you information on why an answer you selected is incorrect in comparison to the others. I feel like this tool really helped me learn the material better. This website offers very casual realistic examples and explanations and think it a useful pair to the Epstein manual.
I also found the Mission Critical website very useful and as an extra study guide to the Epstein book. I was overwhelmed by the many links when I first went on the webpage. there were many links but they were very useful especially because it was a review of many things I learned this semester in this class. The section on fallacies gave me a deeper understanding on the subject and the many kinds or fallacies. The exercises were very helpful because I was able to see why I was correct or incorrect. I wish I would have known about this website sooner because it would have helped me out in many of my earlier posts this semester.