Most organizations utilize a system of team building rather than having one person in charge to dictate. This system works because it gives everyone in the group a chance to interact and share ideas while still having a leader in charge. This interaction helps to build a stronger relationship between group members which is important in the sharing of ideas. When there is a poor relationship between members the group is less productive and it can take longer to get things done. When I was in a group once we were told to come up with an idea to sell a product. Luckily, my group and I worked very well together. One girl stepped up and took charge and instead of splitting up the assignment we worked together from start to finish. This worked really well for us because we all got to contribute in picking a product and our approach for selling it. On the day of the presentation we did very well. We were all on the same page and were able to deliver our product well while other groups argued in front of the class and by the end no one even knew what they were trying to present.
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