Saturday, September 4, 2010

Subjectivist fallacy

It is almost impossible to find two people who will agree with eachother on more than a few topics. However just because two people cant agree on whether a claim is true doesn’t make it subjective. If an employee tells their boss, “I deserve raise for working all those extra late night shifts” many people might confuse this claim for subjective because the employee stated what they believe to be true. This however is an objective claim because if it were subjective then there would be no point in arguing this with the boss. Just as people mistake objective claims for subjective the same is true vice versa. For example many people think that there opinions of how something looks is objective. I often find myself doing this when my friend wears something I don’t like. I will tell her that her outfit doesn’t match or that it is not cute. When I say these things I often think that I am right and that there is no opposing opinion but my claims are in fact not always right and subjective.

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